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Ryan's Rotom
ライアンのロトム Raian no Rotom
Poké Ball
Ryan's Rotom
As Rotom Pokédex
Rotom Phone.png
As Rotom Phone
Debuts in Pokémon Y
Caught at Lost Hotel
Gender Genderless
Ability Levitate
Current location With Ryan
This Pokémon has not evolved.
Voice actor Japanese English
As Rotom Kenyu Horiuchi Billy Kametz

Buzzsaw (バズソー, Bazusō) is a Pokémon Ryan caught in the Kalos region. It later became his Rotom Pokédex in Alola and his Rotom Phone in Galar.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • In the games, the player character's Rotom Pokédex and phone are unique Rotom and cannot come from the player's party. However, in Ten's headcanon, the Rotom in the phone and Pokédex are one-in-the same: his own.