Crystal's Feraligatr

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Crystal's Feraligatr
クリスのオーダイル Kris no Ordile
Poké Ball
Debuts in Pokémon Crystal
Caught at New Bark Town
Evolves in Johto Route 32
Ecruteak City
Gender Male
Ability None
Current location With Crystal
Totodile Croconaw Feraligatr
This Pokémon spent 2 episodes as Totodile and 3 episodes as Croconaw.
Voice actor Japanese English
As Totodile Chinami Nishimura Kayzie Rogers
As Croconaw Chinami Nishimura
As Feraligatr Chinami Nishimura

Crystal's Feraligatr (クリスのオーダイル Kris no Ordile) is Crystal's first and main Pokémon.

History[edit | edit source]

In the games[edit | edit source]

Pokémon Crystal[edit | edit source]

As Totodile.

Crystal received Feraligatr, then a Totodile, from Professor Elm in exchange for doing an errand for him in Cherrygrove City. After proving to be close to the Totodile, following the errand, Elm allowed her to keep it as her starter Pokémon. Together, the two trained and successfully defeated the Violet City Gym at the beginning of their journey; and Totodile evolved into Croconaw in response to their victory.

After evolving, Croconaw quickly gained a win streak. It was instrumental in defeating Team Rocket in Azalea Town. It single-handedly took down Silver's team, including his type-superior Bayleef, despite that same Bayleef having defeated Paras and Slowpoke. It also took down most of the trainers in the Azalea Town Gym. It also took down Gym Leader Bugsy's team on its own, though it was nearly felled by his Scyther. Its winning streak was ended by a wild Heracross, which Crystal ended up capturing.

Croconaw was deeply offended by its loss and began to act moody afterwards. In order to rebuild his confidence, Crystal entered the Bug Catching Contest to allow him to compete against other strong Bug-type Pokémon. Croconaw was able to defeat Scyther, which Crystal then captured. However, since they only scored second place, its faith in itself was not fully restored. Its pride was even further wounded when it lost to Morty's Gengar. The anger caused by its loss eventually bubbled to the surface when Crystal trained against the Kimono Girls and it evolved into Feraligatr.

Feraligatr overcame its frustration with Heracross after single-handedly defeating Jasmine's Pokémon, including her mighty Steelix, during Crystal's Olivine City Gym challenge.

Ferilagatr later proved to Crystal that he was her strongest Pokémon when he single-handedly defeated Lance, winning her the Indigo League.

Personality and characteristics[edit | edit source]

Ever since its defeat at the hands of Crystal's Heracross, Feraligatr has had a bitter rivalry with the Bug-type Pokémon, bordering on outright animosity.

Moves used[edit | edit source]

Croc Water Gun.png
Using Water Gun.
Move First Used In
Scratch Pokémon Crystal
Leer  Pokémon Crystal
Rage Pokémon Crystal
Water Gun Pokémon Crystal
Bite  Pokémon Crystal
Headbutt Pokémon Crystal
Surf  Pokémon Crystal
Slash  Pokémon Crystal
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Croconaw was Crystal's first active team member to evolve. However, her Caterpie was her first Pokémon to evolve.
    • It was also her first Pokémon to evolve into its final stage.

External links[edit | edit source]