Crystal's Espeon

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Crystal's Espeon
クリスのエーフィ Kris no Eifie
Poké Ball
Debuts in Pokémon Crystal
Caught at Goldenrod City
Evolves in Victory Road
Gender Male
Ability None
Current location At home
Eevee Espeon
This Pokémon spent 5 episodes as Eevee.
Voice actor Japanese English
As Eevee Mika Kanai
As Espeon Mika Kanai

Crystal's Espeon (クリスのエーフィ Kris no Eifie) is the twenty-ninth Pokémon Crystal obtained on her journey.

History[edit | edit source]

In the games[edit | edit source]

Crystal obtained her Eevee from Bill in Goldenrod City. It originated from sometime in the past and appeared in the Time Capsule while Bill was fixing it. He wanted someone to care for it, so he offered it to Crystal.

Eevee had its mettle tested when it briefly battled against Entei. However, the Legendary Pokémon fled before blows could be exchanged.

Eevee once again proved its capabilities against Pryce's Piloswine, decisively winning the Gym challenge for Cyrstal.

Despite being one of her strongest Pokémon, Eevee did not evolve until Crystal reached Victory Road, at which point its friendship peaked and it evolved into Espeon.

Espeon quickly proved to be vastly stronger than he was as Eevee, first by swiftly dealing with Will's team during the Pokémon League, then when he wiped out Erika's team, winning Crystal her second Kanto badge.

Afterwards, Crystal sent Espeon home to keep her mother company.

Personality and characteristics[edit | edit source]

Moves used[edit | edit source]

Using Psychic.
Move First Used In
Tackle Pokémon Crystal
Tail Whip Pokémon Crystal
Sand-Attack Pokémon Crystal
Growl Pokémon Crystal
Shadow Ball  Pokémon Crystal
Attract  Pokémon Crystal
Quick Attack Pokémon Crystal
Iron Tail  Pokémon Crystal
Bite Pokémon Crystal
Psychic  Pokémon Crystal
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Eevee has learned more Gym Leader TMs than any other active member of her team, totaling three.
  • Espeon is the first of Crystal's Pokémon to:
    • Have battled a Legendary Pokémon.
    • Evolved from an entirely different type, going from Normal to Psychic.
    • Be benched in favor of another Pokémon.
  • Eevee took the longest of any of Crystal's Johto Pokémon to evolve, clocking in at five days.

External links[edit | edit source]