Crystal's Heracross クリスのヘラクロス Kris no Heracros

This Pokémon has not evolved.
Crystal's Heracross (クリスのヘラクロス Kris no Heracros) is the twentieth Pokémon Crystal obtained and the twenty-third that she caught on her journey.
After obtaining the move Headbutt in Azalea Forest, Crystal used the move in Azalea Town to catch new Pokémon. She encountered a number of Heracross who kept fleeing. This Heracross was the only one who refused to flee and stood and fought. It defeated her Croconaw and Togepi before finally sucumbing to capture. Because of its strength, she decided to keep it on her team rather than send it to Professor Elm.
Throughout the Johto League, Heracross was consistently one of Crystal's strongest battlers, culminating when it single-handedly defeated Surge: her first Kanto League Gym Challenge.
Personality and characteristics[edit | edit source]
Using Horn Attack.
A † shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case.
- Heracross is the first active member of Crystal's team without the ability to evolve. However, it is the only one who can Mega Evolve.