Crystal's Suicune

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Crystal's Suicune
クリスのスイクン Kris no Suikun
Poké Ball
Debuts in Pokémon Crystal
Caught at Tin Tower
Gender Genderless
Ability None
Current location With Crystal
This Pokémon has not evolved.
Voice actor Japanese English
As Suicune Masahiko Tanaka

Crystal's Suicune (クリスのスイクン Kris no Suikun) is the fortieth Pokémon Crystal obtained and captured on her journey.

History[edit | edit source]

In the games[edit | edit source]

Crystal first encountered Suicune in the depths of the Burned Tower, encountering its slumbering form. Suicune woke up and noticed her before fleeing into the wilds.

She later found Suicune in Cianwood City just before he Gym challenge. Euscine also saw Suicune and battled her for its affections.

Crystal saw Suicune again on her way to Mahogany Town to stop Team Rocket.

She finally met and battled Suicune at the Brass Tower following the Team Rocket incident in Goldenrod City. She proved herself in the battle against Suicune and it ultimately allowed her to capture it.

Personality and characteristics[edit | edit source]

Moves used[edit | edit source]

Move First Used In
Bubblebeam  Pokémon Crystal
Rain Dance  Pokémon Crystal
Gust  Pokémon Crystal
Leer  Pokémon Crystal
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Suicune is Crystal's first Legendary Pokémon.