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Ryan's Gyarados
ライアンのあかいギャラドス Raian no Red Gyarados
Poké Ball
As Red Gyarados
Mega Gyarados.jpg
As Mega Red Gyarados
Dynamax Red Gyarados.png
As Dynamaxed Red Gyarados
Debuts in Pokémon Crystal
Caught at Lake of Rage
Gender Male
Ability Moxie
Nature Hardy
Current location With Ryan
This Pokémon has not evolved.
Voice actor Japanese English
As Gyarados Kenyu Horiuchi Billy Kametz

Darktide (ダークタイド, Dakūtaido) is a Shiny Pokémon and the third captured by Ryan during his journey through the Johto region. This Red Gyarados was captured at the Lake of Rage after being forced to evolve by Team Rocket's scheme to use radio waves to force Pokémon evolution.

In the games[edit | edit source]

History[edit | edit source]

Ryan's Red Gyarados being used in the Galar League.

It is unknown if Gyarados was always Shiny. According to Lance, its red coloration stems from being forced to evolve from Magikarp before it was ready, and so it retained Magikarp's color. Red Gyarados was encountered by Ryan at the Lake of Rage, north of Mahogany Town, after Team Rocket forced it to evolve with radio waves. Ryan battled Gyarados and caught it in order to calm it. Nicknaming it Darktide, he continued to use Gyarados throughout his Johto adventures, culminating in defeating Lance himself. He later left Gyarados with Professor Elm upon departing for Hoenn and Orre.

Ryan transfered Darktide to Alola years later in order to battle the Alola League. In Alola, their bond increased, and Ryan was able to use Gyaradosite to Mega Evolve Gyarados during his battles with the Elite Four. Darktide was then left with Grand Oak when Ryan left for Galar.

Darktide returned once again when Ryan traveled to the Isle of Armor, after becoming Galar's Champion. On the island, the pair trained to master Darktide's Moxie Hidden Ability, granting the Attrocious Pokémon a host of new moves. Ryan used his strengthened Red Gyarados in battle against his rival Sara and to defend his title in the Galar League.

Personality and characteristics[edit | edit source]

When Ryan first encountered Darktide, the Atrocious Pokémon was enraged and rampaging in the Lake of Rage due to Team Rocket's meddling. It carried this anger throughout most of Ryan's Johto adventures, though it rarely directed its outrage at its trainer. When Ryan again used Darktide in Alola, the red Gyarados had mellowed out, but could still tap into its rage in battle. However, over time, it came to genuinely care about its trainer, and their bond deepened enough that it could use Mega Evolution.

By the time Ryan reused it in Galar, Darktide showed him genuine affection and particularly enjoyed camping in both the Wild Area and the Isle of Armor. It was also shown to have developed somewhat of a lazy streak, as it was said to have enjoyed taking many naps.

Regardless, it remains one of Ryan's most fierce battlers. In battle, it uses a combination of Substitute and Dragon Dance to boost its attacking power and speed. Its power grows with subsequent knock-outs thanks to Moxie, and, given enough time, can be Ryan's most powerful battler—surpassing even Chomper in strength. As of the Isle of Armor, it is Level 100.

Moves used[edit | edit source]

Dragon Dance Gyarados.png
Using Dragon Dance.
Move First Used In
Dark Pulse Pokémon UltraMoon
Waterfall  Pokémon UltraMoon
Substitute  Pokémon Sword
Crunch  Pokémon Crystal
Surf Pokémon Crystal
Dragon Dance  Pokémon Sword
Hurricane Pokémon Sword
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case.

Max Moves used[edit | edit source]

Picture Max Move First Used in Base Move
Ryan Gyarados Max Geyser.png Max Geyser Pokémon Sword Waterfall
Description: Dynamax Gyarados launches a massive stream of water its mouth at the opponent. When used, the move causes rain to fall over the battlefield.
Ryan Gyarados Max Guard.png Max Guard Pokémon Sword Dragon Dance or Substitute
Description: Dynamax Gyarados forms a light blue barrier of energy in front of itself, protecting it from attacks, including Max Moves.

Achievements[edit | edit source]

Pokémon League victories[edit | edit source]

Darktide has been used to defeat the following Pokémon Leagues:

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Darktide was Ryan's first captured Shiny Pokémon. His first seen Shiny was an Unown.
  • Darktide is one of Ryan's most distinguished Pokémon. It is Shiny, possesses its Hidden Ability, and is one of the few Pokémon he owns that can Mega Evolve, use Z-Moves, and Dynamax.
  • Darktide's nickname originates from the two Types it has when it Mega Evolves: dark for Dark and tide for Water.