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James's Skorupi コジロウのスコルピ Kojirō no Scorpi
 James' Skorupi
This Pokémon has not evolved.
Voice actor
As Skorupi
Jame's Skorupi (コジロウのスコルピ, Kojirō no Scorpi) is the first Pokémon captured by James, as well as his main Pokémon, in the Hora region.
Where and how James came to capture Skorupi is unknown, as it was captured off-screen. It is known that he captured it sometime after Jessie caught her Snivy, however: making it sometime between First Pokémon Contest and a new Rival! and Parents in Monkshood!, when it first debuted.
In Parents in Monkshood!, it was sent out, alongside Jessie's Snivy, to battle Silus and his father. However, before it could even use a move, it was defeated, and Team Rocket sent blasting off, by the duo.