P1 Grand Prix

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P1 Grand Prix belongs to Ten Tailed Fox
Cynthia OD.png This article, P1 Grand Prix, is property of Ten Tailed Fox. Please do not edit this article without the owner's permission.

The Pokémon Number One Grand Prix, often just shortened to the P1 Grand Prix, is a competition held annually, specifically for Fighting-type Pokémon (and Pokémon who know Fighting-moves). One such tournament is held in the Kanto region. Another is held in the Hora region's Phlox Town; specifically at the local Battle Club. In Hora's rendition, dozens of trainers enter, but only ten make it through the qualifying rounds.

Winners are given an exhibition match against Elite Four Mikayla. The event was shown from The Super Punchy Pokémon! until P1 Grand Stand-Off, for a total of three chapters in Light & Dark.

Rules[edit | edit source]

  • Each trainer is only allowed to enter one Pokémon.
  • They then enter a series of one-on-one Pokémon battles.
    • If a Pokémon falls out of the ring, falls asleep, refuses to obey, or is rendered unable to continue, then both the trainer and the Pokémon are disqualified.
  • Items are disallowed from usage by trainers.

Participants[edit | edit source]

Trainer Pokémon Place
Silus 107 Hitmonchan Winner
Cheren 500 Emboar Runner-up
Lyra 622 Golett Top 10
Nathan 532 Timburr Top 10
Jeremy 539 Sawk Top 10
Harlan 295 Exploud Top 20

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Though the tournament is said to be strictly for Fighting-type Pokémon, Pokémon who know significant Fighting-type moves have been shown to be permitted as well.
  • This is the first competition Silus has competed in that Jason Reid has not.
    • However, Jason and Silus did have a battle on the rest day in-between the qualifying and semifinal rounds.